Douglas Norry
Head of the Middle School

Landon School

Before coming to Landon, I taught and coached at Bryn Mawr, an all-girls independent school in Baltimore. During my first year there, I served as the assistant coach for a high school AAU basketball team. The head coach had more than thirty years experience, including many at the collegiate level; he even served on Tubby Smith’s staff at one point in his career. The team, comprised of top players from several schools in the area, was assembled as a group of all-stars, and they aspired to win at the state level. At our parent meeting to open the season, the coach delivered a line which I have never forgotten: “If you want your daughter to be happy all the time, this probably isn’t the right place for her.”

The coach, of course, was referring to the fact that these girls would need to work hard and be unselfish. The parents, who viewed this team as a key step toward playing at the next level, ate it up. At the time, I remember thinking that we should use his line at Bryn Mawr’s Back to School Night – to send a clear message that parent over-involvement and solving kids’ problems did more harm than good in the long run.

Then I had kids of my own, and I began to understand the impulses that I had previously disregarded as simply poor parenting. When an infant cries, our instinct is to soothe him. When our children become toddlers, we want them to be happy, not only because we love them unconditionally but also because if they aren’t, they will likely throw a tantrum. And so the foundation of parent intervention is set; parents are only as happy as their least happy child.

Back to the AAU team. While the coach’s message was crass, its content merits careful consideration. True growth and learning stem from life’s disappointments: being cut from a team, failing a test, or, as Wendy Mogel suggests in her book*, a skinned knee. Now more than ever, we manage our children’s lives, and our first instinct is to fix their problems. Mogel cautions us not to spoil our children emotionally by “trying to inoculate [them] against the pain of life” (91). Instead, we should teach them that they are both unique and ordinary, and, rather than assuming fragility, we should “prepare them for rough conditions by teaching them to tolerate some stresses and extremes” (113). Doing so will foster their development of resilience and self-reliance.

As a concrete example, consider the fact that, on average, one parent per day visits the Middle School Office to drop off an item that his/her son has left in the car or at home. By fixing these cheap mistakes, a parent is denying his son the experience of explaining to the art teacher why he does not have his portfolio. The benefits of that interaction far outweigh the loss of a few points on a homework assignment. Put another way, if we want our children to grow up to be good problem solvers, we need to let them encounter some problems on their own.

*The Blessing of a Skinned Knee by Wendy Mogel, Ph.D